Royalty Persian Rugs - Since 1900.


Rug & Carpet Binding



Rug Cutting and Binding - Damaged BY Dog Bite
Rug Cutting and Binding - Damaged by Dog Bite - August 2024


Binding Replacement
Carpet cuting and binding - March 2024


Rug Cleaning - Repair - May 2021 - Before

After Cleaning, Removing Fringes, and Binding
Rug Cleaning - Repair - May 2021 - After



Rug Cleaning - Repair - May 2021 - Before

After Cleaning and Binding
Rug Cleaning - Repair - May 2021 - After

Rug Cleaning - Repair - May 2021 - Before

Rug Cleaning - Repair - May 2021 - After

Rug Cleaning, binding on side - May 2021 - Before

Rug Cleaning - Repair - May 2021 - After



Rug Cleaning - Repair - May 2021 - Before

Rug Cleaning - Repair - May 2021 - Before

After Cleaning, Binding, and Fringing
Rug Cleaning - Repair - May 2021 - Before
Rug Cleaning - Repair - May 2021 - Before


Boat mats cleaning and binding replacement

Inside Boat
Boat mats damaged binding and need cleaning - Before


Boat mats cleaned and binding replaced - After

Boat mats damaged binding and need cleaning - Before

Boat mats cleaned and binding replaced - After


Altering two outdoor rugs for a terrace - resizing, cutting, and binding to fit fire pit, and water drains
60% of project done on site

Outside View of Terrace
Altering two rugs for outdoor terrace, resizing and binding, outside view

Outdoor terrace, resizing and binding a rug to fit fire pit and warter drain

rug for outdoor terrace - cutting and binding to fit the fire pit

rug for outdoor terrace after cutting and binding to fit the fire pit

Rug for outdoor terrace cutting and binding to fit the water drain

Preparing the rug for outdoor terrace cutting and binding to fit the water drain

Binding the rug after cutting for outdoor terrace to fit the water drain

A piece after cutting and binding the rug for terrace to fit the water drain

A rug for outdoor terrace resized and bound to fit the fire pit and water drain

Cutting and binding an area in the middle of the rug to accommodate the water drain
100% of project done on site

Rug and area before cutting and binding to accommodate the water drain

View of area for rug to be cut and bind to accomodate water drain

Cut the area on rug to accommodate water drain

Testing the area cut on rug to accommodate water drain

Binding the edges around the area prepared on rug to accommodate water drain

After cutting and binding an area on rug to accommodate water drain

Rug after cutting and binding to accommodate the water drain

For professional consulting, please submit the form below, we will contact you.

* Name

* Phone No.

* Email Address

* Description of service required:

@2025 - Royalty Persian Rugs